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TRIO Program to Partner with Memphis Youth Arts!


We are excited to announce partnering with Sandra Wade Mabry who is the Director of TRiO Educational Opportunity Center, Hosted by Arkansas State University Mid-South!

Sandra and her team head up the Educational Opportunity Center who partners with organizations that work with high school seniors and/or adults who are interested in attending College or Technical School.

The partnership will provide assistance and is free, provided by ASU Mid-South and the Department of Education. EOC counselors work one-on-one with your students to complete the FAFSA, admission applications, career exploration and enrollment into the school any your participants choose.

The attached brochure gives more information about the EOC Project; and, this is the link to the EOC Information Form, Each student who needs help should complete the form. My staff will then contact them directly. We work one-on-one with students and their parents to ensure all enrollment documents are completed at no cost to the parents or organization.

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